Death Cross (50MA cross down 200MA) results

Technical stock screener for Death Cross (50MA cross down 200MA) results.

Ideas for the best stocks to buy based on data for May 14, 2024.

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Symbol ⇑ Price Change High Low Volume
AHG 0.6634 -0.0166 (-2.44%) 0.6677 0.6113 19,862
AZTA 51.25 -0.08 (-0.16%) 52.02 50.85 581,366
CUK 13.30 +0.03 (+0.23%) 13.48 13.18 1,413,273
HCWB 1.15 +0.02 (+1.77%) 1.2011 1.10 13,996
HPK 14.43 +0.45 (+3.22%) 14.50 13.94 335,674
MGTX 5.23 +0.105 (+2.05%) 5.59 5.17 96,020
NOA 20.58 -0.015 (-0.07%) 20.71 20.40 47,727
OMEX 4.25 -0.035 (-0.82%) 4.34 4.13 109,791
PBBK 12.78 +0.1801 (+1.43%) 12.81 12.78 880
THO 105.00 +0.245 (+0.23%) 106.725 104.87 295,146
TIXT 6.42 -0.045 (-0.70%) 6.59 6.385 158,085
WEA 10.79 -0.02 (-0.19%) 10.81 10.79 9,100